Hi I'm Dan Esmail like the website says. This is my Blog and my Journey to become a stronger programmer. First let me introduce myself. I'm a data analyst. This has me working with data in various ways all day. I have always enjoyed programming. I have done it on and off for the last 7 years. Nothing super intense just making something here and there. I have used a few different programming websites to learn like treehouse.com, freecodecamp, datacamp and others. They are great and I love using them. I also have a degree in Electronics engineering technology. This degree provided me with even more experience. Letting me program in other languages like C, assembly and Java. This degree also let me tinker with microcontroller and other sensors. Some of the other things that I enjoy as of right now are playing volleyball, lifting weights, and cooking. Those might come help me in some of the projects that I work on in the future.
The reason that I have start to post is I have been programming for a while but there are still a lot of things that mystify me. I would love to hold myself accountable so that can continuously learn the skill and get better. I have to do some refreshing since I haven't programmed hardcore for about a year or two. Most of my first posts will be CSS and HTML but will progress from there. I hope you have fun following my journey