Day 1: Staring a Blog and Website

Dan Esmail - 1/1/2023


Hi all, I'm Dan and this is going to be my blog! Let's talk about what this blog is going to be and what this blog is not going to be right off the bat. The main purpose of this blog is to talk about my journey to improving my skills. Those skill will mostly be programming skills from HTML to CSS to JavaScript and much more. Some of those skills might not be programming skills but other life skills like writing, design, or other soft skills. I'll work my best to give a good summary of what going to be happing in the blog before you have to waste your time with it. Stay with me and see the progress and have fun on the journey with me. My code will be terrible in the beginning and I'm sure my writing can use a lot of improvement but it's all about the journey this time around for me. I hope you learn along with me. I'll be talking about what I do and why I do it. My way will not be the most elegant but you need to walk before you run. I'll try to include links to videos I watch or articles I read while working on improving.

Now that is over let get to introductions so you know why my base come from. Like I said before I'm Dan! I have a Bachelor's of science in Electronic Engineering Technology degree or EET. So I have programed a bit before. Nothing crazy but really beginner stuff with C when working with Arduinos. I also had to deal with basic Java, C++, and assembly code before while I was in school. I have also looked at JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and Ruby before thanks to a few sites like treehouse, datacamp, freecodecamp, and more sites like these. So I have a really basic foundation in programming. It's not the strongest but it isn't starting from ground zero. What I really want to do is learn the things that I feel like I never learned or picked up when learning. Like how do I turn my files into a website on the computer? That one plagued me for a while.

I think that's a great transition to get into day one of this journey. So how in the world do you get your website form a simple document into something everyone else can see up on the web? Well first thing is first you are going to need to get a hosting website. This can range from a bunch of hosting sites like Hostinger, Bluehost, HostGator, and more. I went with Hostinger because it was easy and some random website said they were good, that's the honest truth. Once I have a site what comes next? Getting your domain. I chose my name because I wanted to use this as a profile in the future. Hostinger also offered a free domain when I got my package so that was a plus for sure! Also free SSL which was nice. Once I got my domain and I was stupid and accidently pressed the website builder button and it took me to something like the square space web builder. Now this might be fine for some people but that wasn't what I was looking for. I couldn't find my way out of that paper bag and had to delete my website file and start over. After that was sorted out I started new and was able to get the dashboard this time.

Now that I had the dash board I could finally upload files to the website. For everyone that didn't know like I didn't know to upload your website to the web you just have to drag and drop them to your public_html file. I made probably the most basic html file in the world and uploaded it. There was an HTML, head title, body and one h1 element. Guess what it worked and I was cooking with gas. That was it I finally had a website on the internet.

Now I got to load that sucker with content! But that is going to be tomorrow because I have a lot of work to do and I don't want these to get to long. Maybe we will do a page on word or maybe a little more who knows. Thanks for everyone following on this journey.

Day 1

Day 1