Day 108: Reading more about Lavarel

Dan Esmail - 4/18/2023


Today is more reading about Laravel to increase my overall knowledge of the framework. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this since it will make or break my website the more I know about this framework.

Routes Overview

Within Laravel there are a bunch of methods that can be used. The methods could be get, post, put, patch, delete, or options. There are a bunch more methods within Laravel but these are the basics. When creating a route you'll use one of these or you will use match and use multiple

CSRF or cross-site request forgery will be a topic for another day. All that needs to be known is you need it for a Laravel request and that it's to help protect your website

This is going to be the bread and butter of what I'm going to need to know. This is how you will return a view to a route. This can be done after a function or it can be done with the view method.


There are a bunch of methods within Laravel. I have picked and chosen a lot of the really basic methods to get me started on my journey. Since I'll be working mostly entirely with the basic routes and getting views up and running.

Day 1

Day 1