Day 16: Git

Dan Esmail - 1/16/2023


Like I said in my previous post today is going to be a research day. That research is going to be all about git. I wanted to make sure that I could get my website on git so everyone can see my changes and code. This will most likely be a small post today.


Git is a strong version control system. It pairs really nice with github. I>m using this very much as a version control system for myself. What I>m really focusing on is staging, committing, branching, and pushing.

The first big thing is staging with git. This will tell git what has changing and what you are saving. You can use the 'git add –all' to stage all of your files. Once the files are staged they need to be saved. This can be done with a commit. When committing you always should be leaving a message so everyone can follow along with your commits. This can be done with git commit -m 'this is a message'.

Next thing to talk about is branches. Branches are a way to have a copy of all your files without messing with the master files. Once you are done with your branch you will be able to merge the files back to the master files.

These three things can help your version control a bunch and get you going with git. Look for my git project at . tomorrow will be more research to help me learn some of the back end of websites. I>ll be taking a look at php.

Day 1

Day 1