Day 17: A Little Bit of PHP

Dan Esmail - 1/17/2023


I have started to learn a little bit of php. Definitely not a ton of things to talk about today. I plan to use this PHP with the server to make accounts so everyone can comment on blog posts later down the road.

When learning PHP I'm realizing a lot of things are the same as Javascript and some things are different. Let's first talk about what's the same. A lot of ways that functions work are the same in php. They still use code blocks and curly braces. Also a lot of the simple functions like ifs and loops are also the same.

Some of the differences that I noticed are variables, arrays, and constants. With variables needing a dollar sign in front of them to be defined. Contestants also need a defined function to be created. Finally arrays need to be called with an array function to be defined. These are some of the differences that have shown up.

The real thing that I think I'm interested in and still reading up on are superglobals. These are the main variables for collecting information. There is a get and post super global that helps handle html forms. These will be the main driving factors of getting into PHP.

The real thing that I think I'm interested in and still reading up on are superglobals. These are the main variables for collecting information. There is a get and post super global that helps handle html forms. These will be the main driving factors of getting into PHP.

Day 1

Day 1