Day 29: UX and UI

Dan Esmail - 1/29/2023


Starting with a little bit of user experience research and User interface. I found two sites that are starting to be my building blocks. This is dribble and career foundry both will be linked below. They have given me an idea of where to start while building websites. They have talked about having a critical eye, getting feedback, the differences between UX and UI, tools, and the five steps of the design thinking process.

Critical Eye and Feedback

One of the things that dribble talked about was having a critical eye when looking at websites that you like. Find out what you like and why you like it. This could be the font, color, spacing, or anything else that sticks out to you. I think this is great and I'm going to start looking and see what I like on websites. I also have the advantage of google dev tools to look at the CSS of sites that I like. I'll start combining ideas for my website based on this. Feedback is another important fact when building something. Once I get to a more complete stage of this website I'll be bringing in friends and other people to look at the website and tell me that it sucks.

Tools and Five Steps

While working with UX and UI there are a few things to keep in mind, and one of those is the five steps of the design thinking process. these steps are empathizing with your user, defining the problem, ideation, prototypes, and finally testing. Also while working on UX and UI you will be working with a lot of tools. This can range from wireframing to prototyping.

Tomorrow is going to be more research but to be honest I don't what that research looks like right now.

Day 1

Day 1