Adding upgrades
Day 3 here we come! Today was a lot of CSS and research. There is so much left to do with the website and a lot of other CSS that I want to do but I don't want to overload everything on day 3 since there is so much that I have to research. Also I have finally found out how to get more pages on my website. Super easy actually just a quick website read. To make a multipage website it's super easy and all you need to do is bring in a file and link to that file. That going to look the same for everyone at the most basic level. I made a folder that holds all my blog post and them made an html file for each blog post. I upload in my public_html folder the blog post. After that I can link to them by putting the file destination in the herf attribute of the link element. Now these blog post HTML are very basic and in the coming days I'll make a new style sheet for the post.
The main page is what suffers the most at this point and needs a lot of TLC. I started everything by opening up my old friend google. Then searched up some design aspects of website and came up with a few major points that I'm going to be using in the future. Some of those points were things like keep the layout simple, design for the user first, have all elements connected, keep your design balanced and much more. I also took some time and looked at another blog that was showing off some nice looking blogs. I think it's great to look an as many examples of what you are trying to build so you can see what has worked and what looks good. Now I only looked at five examples this time but I'll continue looking at sites and improving as I go. That was most of the research I did and it got me started in the right direction.
From there I was able to go to a website called Figma. This website lets you build a wire frame for your website. I had to look at a quick video to understand the very basics. It was around fifteen minutes. Then it was off to the races. I drew up a really basic version of a main page for my website. Kept everything in black, white and gray. This is because I don't think I'm ready to get into color at this point in time. There is two huge section that I need to talk about in this article to let everyone know how I got this far.
First there is the HTML this is the probably the easiest part. I made sure to keep sort of true with breaking up the page in sections. I'll break up my code drops by sections so it's easier to digest.
Header HTML code
<h1 id='mainTitle'>Journey To Improve</h1>
<button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'>About Me</button>
<button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'>Blogs</button>
<button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'>Projects</button>
Header CSS Code
text-align: left;
display: inline;
position: relative;
top: 1vw;
padding-left: 1vw;
font-size: 2vw;
float: right;
position: relative;
font-size: 1vw;
top: 1.5vw;
background-color: Black;
color: white;
border-left: solid white 0.25vw;
background-color: Black;
height: 4vw;
text-align: center;
text-align: center;
The header is the first section. This is the section that I used for my navbar but now thinking about that I should have used Nav for that and I will make an adjustment for that tomorrow. I made sure to include the title or the main phrase for my website in the header and that was the “Journey to Improve”. Next is what is going to be the links to other sections of the website and that's the about me, blogs, and projects buttons. These will have nested links in them as I continue and my website grows. Also as I was building these I made sure to add classes to the button to be styled all the same way.
Let's talk about the CSS. I wanted to work in responsive units for all my website. I have been working with VW, EM, and percentages. I wanted to contrast colors so all my fonts on the header were going to be white while the back drop was black. This gave me a great opportunity to make my main page background white for now. The hard things about using VW is centering my text. I did that by just changing the numbers until I finally got what looks centered on my screen. Add a border on the links for a little bit of style and then that was that.
Project Section HTML Code
<section class='leftSection' id='ProjectSection'>
<h2 class='titleCenter'>Latest Project</h2>
<div id='blogBox'>
<div id='ProjectPicBox'>
<h3 >Project Name</h3>
<div id='ProjectPic'>
Project Box
<div id='projectDesGroup' class=''>
<article id='projectDes' class=''>
<p>this is where the description of the latest project is going to go</p>
<p>This site might look like it has a bunch of links but the only working links right now are going to be the blog posts at the bottom</p>
<div class=''>
<span class='tag'>
<p class='tagText'>HTML</p>
<span class='tag'>
<p class='tagText'>CSS</p>
<span class='tag'>
<p class='tagText'>JavaScript</p>
<span class='tag'>
<p class='tagText'>Game</p>
<span class='tag'>
<p class='tagText'>Simple AI</p>
Project Section CSS Code
float: left;
width: 66.6%;
height: 27.5em;
background-color: lightgray;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
left: 1%;
width: 48%;
float: left;
width: 15vw;
height: 15vw;
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
right: 1%;
width: 48%;
top: 4vw;
float: right;
height: 10vw;
width: 80%;
font-size: 1em;
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 1vw;
padding: 0 0.4vw;
height: 2vw;
border-radius: 10%;
color: white;
position: relative;
bottom: 0.3vw
Next is the first section that is going to be used for the projects that I complete while building my skill base. When I was building this I wanted to make sure that I had some place to put a picture for the project, a description, and some tags. First off I made sure that I put all the divs into another div because I wanted to make sure they were aligned at the baseline. I do this to make sure that they don't get crazy and move around when I add text.
The left side of this section is going to be taken up by a title and a box which will hold the picture of the project. That was easy to accomplish by adding in an H3 element and div. the div will hold an auto sized Img element down the line once I finish. The title will always just be the title of the project. Both of these are nested in another div. I use that div to move everything around in a group so it won't separate when I'm working with the HTML.
The right side is also pretty simple I wanted to add tags for the project and a description. Both element of the right side are also grouped by a div this is also done so I can float each group to their sides. The description is just a set of paragraph elements. The tags are a little bit more complex and will get more complex down the road. The tags are first grouped in a div to hold them and use display box to make sure they are under the description and not side by side. Next all the tag classes are in spans so the tags themselves will be next to each other. This lines my tags and finishes my project area.
Now While building the CSS for this section I wanted to float everything in the webpage that was supposed to go left to the left. While I floated the aside to the right and that's why I have a class called left section. Now like before I wanted contrast color. That made me use all three off my colors with light gray being my background, white and black being the text colors, and black being any item that would be a container. I also make the background a random color like pink or red when I want to move around the elements and groups in my website. To move around things I used position relative. That lets me tell the browser where elements should go based on their parent element.
Aside HTML Code
<aside class=''>
<div id='Profilepic'>
<p> </p>
<h4 class='titleCenter'>The Destination</h4>
<p class='profileDes'>The main goal of this website is to work as a record of my journey to become a better programmer. this is will entire a lot of work in HTML, css, JavaScript, design and a lot of other aspects</p>
<p class='profileDes'>I have been working on improving for a while now and I would like to write down everything I learn on my journey. maybe what I learn will help someone else. </p>
Aside CSS Code
float: right;
background-color: white;
width: 33%;
height: 55em;
border: solid black 0.15vw;
border-top: none;
background-color: lightgray;
width: 10vw;
border-radius: 100%;
position: relative;
left: 11.5vw;
text-align: center;
height: 10vw;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 1vw;
The aside was a little easier to manage then everything else. This is going to just be a brief description of what the website is about and what I'm trying to do. This will also hold my face later down the road. The first big thing about this is floating the aside to the right and grouping the elements I want together. There is a profile picture and a description.
The picture was going to be a full circle so I made sure to make the border radius 100% and tried to move that dive to the center. Next was the description this is also another really part I used two paragraph element to write what I wanted to write. Made sure to add a line break. Next was styling it I just centered all the text and was done.
Blog Post Section HTML Code
<section class='leftSection'>
<h2>Recent Blogs</h2>
<div id='blogBox'>
<div class='BlogArticle'>
<h5 class='blogTitle'>Day 1:Starting a Blog</h5>
<a class='blogLink' href='BlogPost/Day1.html'>
<div class='BlogDescrption'>
<p class='blogdes'>This is going to be a look at how to start a website</p>
<div class='BlogArticle'>
<h5 class='blogTitle'>Day 2:Basic Code</h5>
<a class='blogLink' href='#'>
<div class='BlogDescrption'>
<p class='blogdes'>My site looks a little less basic. Plus I go into the HTML head element</p>
<div class='BlogArticle'>
<h5 class='blogTitle'>Day 3: Starting CSS</h5>
<a class='blogLink' href='#'>
<div class='BlogDescrption'>
<p class='blogdes'>Making my website look a little better with some CSS</p>
<div class='BlogArticle'>
<h5 class='blogTitle'>Day 4 Blog</h5>
<a class='blogLink' href='#'>
<div class='BlogDescrption'>
<p class='blogdes'>TBA doesn't go anyware right now</p>
<div class='BlogArticle'>
<h5 class='blogTitle'>Day 5 Blog</h5>
<a class='blogLink' href='#'>
<div class='BlogDescrption'>
<p class='blogdes'>TBA doesn't go anyware right now</p>
Blog Post Section CSS Code
width: 10vw;
height: 15vw;
text-align: center;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 2vw;
position: relative;
bottom: 1vw;
top: 1vw;
display: flex;
align-items: baseline;
font-size: 1em;
width: 10vw;
height: 10vw;
background-color: black;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 0.2vw;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: white
width: 60em;
background-color: lightgray;
overflow: auto;
padding: 0.5em;
text-align: center;
Okay final bit of code to go over. This is the section that is going to hold recent blog post and change whenever I update a blog post. I wanted an area for the title and a common way to make blog post links. This was done by creating a div to hold everything and the major purpose of that was to align the items to baseline otherwise they would move around like crazy depending on how many lines of text there was. Next I add a div to box up each blog post. A title and another div were nested in this. The other div holds the link and description for the blog post. I know today was long but there was a lot that went into and tomorrow will hopefully be shorter.
Some Helpful links
Mutipage info
Design Website 1
Design Website 2
Design Website 3
Other Blogs
Figma Tutorial