Day 32: logging into the database

Dan Esmail - 2/1/2023


The first thing I must learn to build this new workout project is how to use a database on my website. After that, I will be able to post and get from that database. Going along with that there is some PHP that I need to learn.

The Database

With Hostinger they allow you to build your own database when you are logged on hpanel. This was a super easy process. I logged in and clicked on databases in hpanel. After that, there will be a form in that you input a database name, username, and password. This will create your database. From there it’s about creating your data. When you click on enter phpmyadmin you will be able to access your database and create tables, columns, and anything else you will need from your database.

Form handling

The next thing on the list is form handling. This is done with some simple PHP and HTML. For the PHP I started to build a simple form that will take in all the data that I’m trying to send to the database. Then I link a PHP file to that. The PHP file will then talk open up the server with my SQL improved edition. Once the connection is established I will insert the row by holding on to the variables that are within the form.

Day 1

Day 1