Day 8: Building Tic Tac Toe

Dan Esmail - 1/8/2023


For my first project I decided to go with a tic tac toe board game. I want this to be a board game where you can play against another user or against the computer. This is one of the first projects I remember doing for free code camp and wanted to see if I could still do it. Today we will go over the CSS and HTML that I build for this page.

Page building

When I was building this page I wanted to start to reorganize a little bit of my code so that I can reuse it later. This led to me make a CSS for my nav bar. The next thing that I was thinking about is how am I going to make this look and how will I have this play.


Here is the main code that I used for my html and CSS. These codes combined helped make the grid system for the game.

Board HTML Code

                  <h1 id='mainTitle'>Journey To Improve</h1>
                  <button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'><a Class='NavLink'href='../AboutMe.html'>About Me</a></button>
                  <button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'><a Class='NavLink'href='../ProjectPage.html'>Projects</a></button>
                  <button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'><a Class='NavLink'href='BlogNavigation.html'>Blogs</a></button>
                  <button class='NavButton' type='button' name='button'> <a Class='NavLink'href='../index.html'>Home</a> </button>
                <h1>Tic Tac Toe Game</h1>
                <div class='grid-container'>
                  <div class='side'>
                    <button type='button' name='button'>one Player</button>
                    <button type='button' name='button'>Two Player</button>
                    <h3>Player 1's Piece</h3>
                    <button type='button' name='button'>X</button>
                    <button type='button' name='button'>O</button><br><br>
                    <h3>Reset Option</h3>
                    <button type='button' name='button'>Reset</button>
                  <div class='side Tac-Board'>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p class='Game-Piece'>  </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='0' class='Game-Piece'></p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='1' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='2' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='3' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='4' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='5' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p  class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='6' class='Game-Piece'></p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='7' class='Game-Piece'>  </p>
                    <div class='Tac-Square'>
                      <p id='8' class='Game-Piece'> </p>
                    <div class='padding-box'>
                      <p class='Game-Piece'> </p>

                  <div class='side'>
                    <p>X: <span id='x-points'>0</span></p>
                    <p>O: <span id='o-points'>0</span></p>


                <script src=''></script>
                <script type='text/javascript' src='../JS/TTT.js'></script>


Board CSS Code

                color: darkgreen;
                text-align: center;
                display: grid;
                grid-template-columns: 20% 60% 20%;
                background: gray;
                display: grid;
                grid-template-columns: 16% 20% 20% 20% 16%;
                grid-column-gap: 2%;

                background: white;
                background-color: white;
                height: 10vw;
                margin: 1vw 0;
                text-align: center;
                margin: 0;
                font-size: 10vw;
                position: relative;
                bottom: 1vw;

                text-align: center;


The hardest thing to keep in mind was the area around my grids when I was making the game. I knew that I wanted a padding but I don't really know how to add something like that in the grid system evenly. My solution to this was making padding columns. I used these in conjunction with grid-column-gap to add a gap and a padding for the game. I ended up wanting to make some controls for the game so I put them up in one of the divs that wasn't in the main game area. Also when I was making the tic tac toe boxes I made the IDs numbers so they could be used in an array. I think this has set me where I want to be for the game for now. Tomorrow we will talk about most the code and the following day we will talk about how the computer makes its moves

Day 1

Day 1