Day 82: Skills rebuild one

Dan Esmail - 3/21/2023


Alright time to get to the skills page. What I have in my mind for this page is a way to see the base-level skills that I have with programming and a few other things. Then have another section on the page where you could click on the page and get some more information from the page. This will also include frameworks and everything else. About the skills

The Skills

I separated all the skills into small boxes with a little bit of information and a progress bar to the next star. I will want to make the bar look better at another point in time but for now, I like it. The thought process behind this was that the skills would have some information and that once the user clicked on one it would give more information about the skill.

The bottom section

Now, this is the section that I want most of the info in. This will have three sections side by side. It will have a small description of how I have used the skill. Then it will also have a pixel art picture that will show the skill. This might be snakes around a pixel character or the VBA boxes floating around the character. I plan to update these as I get better at pixel art. The last section is going to be the skill box with all the frameworks or sub-skills.

Day 1

Day 1